8 Activities To Do When You Need to Clear Your Mind
While travelling you are probably posting pictures of yourself running on the beach, learning to surf, plane hopping, and partying with...
Sylvia Spanos
Nov 18, 20184 min read

How to Skydive: A Complete Guide for the Person Who is Afraid of Everything
I can remember it like it was yesterday; I’m 12 years old at a school wide bonding day and we’re in groups of 15.The point of this day...
Sylvia Spanos
Nov 18, 20185 min read

11 Line to Break the Ice With Other Travelers
Maybe you’re on some sort of road to self-discovery or making a point to try and accomplish things completely on your own, that doesn't...
Sylvia Spanos
Nov 18, 20183 min read

The Adrenaline Junkies Essential Guide to Queenstown, New Zealand
Just flying into this city feels like you are on some sort of adventure ride at a theme park. After flying for what seems like forever...
Sylvia Spanos
Nov 18, 20183 min read

Nobu Hotel - Miami Beach
Nobu Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida, USA Just the Miami Beach area can make you feel like you’ve driven right back into the 80’s, but for...
Sylvia Spanos
Nov 18, 20182 min read